Helix v1.7 Review

Posted on 2005-12-08 23:45:00 by LSDsmurf

Helix, a Linux distribution made by e-Fense and designed for incident response and computer forensics analysis has released their version 1.7. Bundled in this latest Knoppix-based distribution is a revamped GUI, as addition to its bootable capabilities it offers a few utilities that can be accessed when already in side of Microsoft Windows, while the Linux portion of the distribution itself has been updates to the 2.6.14 kernel with numerous other enhancements. Some of the mother miscellaneous packages include Autopsy v2.06, Sleuthkith v2.03, ClamAV v0.87.1-1, and EnCase Linen.

Link: Phoronix

Helix v1.7

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