Sapphire HD 5830 Modern Warfare 2 Edition Review

Posted on 2010-02-25 10:43:14 by Thomas De Maesschalck

When pitted head to head with the GTX 275, the results fell right about at a 50/50 split. With that being said, the HD 5830 fills the void for ATI at the ~$200 dollar point. One thing this card does and does well is overclock. I was able to get this card to an easy 1010Mhz on the Cypress core and 1270Mhz on the 1GB of GDDR5 memory. That amounts to a 20% increase in GPU clock speed and a 27% increase in the memory clock speed, all for the cost of a few minutes of my time.

Link: Overclockersclub

Sapphire HD 5830 Modern Warfare 2 Edition

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