Bigfoot Networks Killer 2100 Gaming Network Card Review

Posted on 2010-12-09 20:18:06 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Network cards are like sound cards for most end users, in that a majority are happy as can be with the ports that their motherboard comes with, and Bigfoot Networks is the kingpin of the gaming network card market, providing gamers with "The" NICs (Network Interface Cards) to have. Well, today we are looking at the latest standalone NIC from Bigfoot Networks, the Killer 2100. More importantly we will be seeing if high performance gaming network cards live up to their hype.

Quote: "When it comes to online gaming performance the Bigfoot Killer 2100 didn't hurt system performance and in a couple of the games we tested with it slightly improved our ping times. We noticed less than a 5% improvement in latency across the board for online gaming and to some you might feel this doesn't justify the $85 shipped cost of the Killer 2100, but others might see this as an advantage. When it comes to Local Area Network (LAN) gaming we noticed that the Killer 2100 really helped performance and cut the average latency in Battlefield Bad Company 2..."

Link: LEgit Reviews

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