Motorola Droid Bionic Hands-On Impressions Review

Posted on 2011-09-09 22:06:27 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The Motorola Droid Bionic has had a storied past, despite just being released a couple of days ago. It was originally announced way back at the CES trade show in January, though it was a very different looking smartphone back then. Motorola went back to the drawing board and redesigned the Bionic to what we have today: a 4G LTE phone that could be a doppelganger for the already-released Droid X2. I have had a review unit for a brief period, and while I haven't had it long enough to subject it to a proper, in-depth review, these are my initial impressions of the Droid Bionic.

Contrary to what we were shown back at CES, the device that we have today is very familiar looking among Verizon's smartphone lineup. Featuring a mostly square face, and the now signature hump on the back for the camera that the Droid X and Droid X2 exhibit, the Droid Bionic fits right in with the rest of Motorola's Droid products for Verizon.

Link: Techspot

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