Intel Core i3 2120 Review

Posted on 2011-09-30 13:00:08 by Thomas De Maesschalck

As we all know with the Sandybridge lineup, there is only so much bclock headroom, with most CPUs coming in around the 103 to 106MHz mark — a really nice one may scale a little further, with some even reaching 110MHz. Those samples are difficult to find and are almost as common as chicken's teeth. What I found with this Core i3 2120 from Intel is that it scaled up to 105.3MHz, to drive the CPU clock speed close to 3.5GHz, or 3476MHz to be correct. Very little was tweaked to reach this speed other than a small tweak to the I/O and system agent voltages. Very typical Sandybridge, no fuss overclocking. Graphics overclocking fared a little better, with the HD 2000 GPU core clock reaching 1300MHz, driving performance higher in some 3DMark Vantage testing.

Link: OCC

Intel Core i3 2120

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