Super Mario 3D Land Nintendo 3DS Review

Posted on 2011-12-04 17:57:21 by Thomas De Maesschalck

Up until recent times Mario had been significantly split into 2D and 3D style games. If you were on the handheld systems, a 2D experience awaited, whilst on the big boy consoles you got the 3D worlds with a focus on exploration and not rushing through the levels. Nintendo has tried to combine the best of both worlds so to speak with the 3DS Mario game and succeeds in so many ways. Super Mario 3D Land is one of the best Mario games ever made and is everything the evolution that Nintendo has made it out to be. This game finally shows why 3D on a handheld system can matter.

For those of you who currently cringe at the thought of 3D gaming on the 3DS due to eyestrain, you should fear not. For us this was the first game we were able to run in full 3D without a problem and it finally seems like the developers are sorting this problem out and it could not have happened for a better game, because it's the 3D style that makes Super Mario 3D Land such an excellent game.

Link: Tweaktown

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