Virtu Universal MVP Review

Posted on 2012-06-01 23:14:34 by Thomas De Maesschalck

The Virtu Universal MVP allows you to combine the processing power of an Intel integrated graphics processor to your video card, in order to increase performance. Let's see if it really works.

Here is a snippet: "Updated 06/01/2012: We had originally published this review one month ago, and our results showed no performance improvement by using the Virtu MVP technology with video cards using graphics processors from AMD. Lucid, the developer of the Virtu technology, contacted us saying that the 2.1.110 driver we used (which came on the motherboard's CD) had a bug and didn't work correctly with AMD's Catalyst 12.4 driver. They provided us with a new driver, 2.1.113, which presumably corrects the bug. Therefore, we redid all our tests with this new driver version. Let's see if it really corrected the problem."

Link: Hardwaresecrets

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